Group managers

For each group, you can assign a manager – a person who will be able to control the activities of users of this group. The same manager can be assigned to several (all) groups.

The manager can:

  • View reports on users in the group
  • Categorize applications
  • Determine the performance of categories for the group
  • Receive email reports about the work of their groups

Adding a manager

Option 1

  1. In the main menu of Yaware.TimeTracker, select the “Employees -> Managers” sub-item.
  2. On the right side of the screen, click the “Add Manager” button.
  3. In the dialog box that opens, enter the name and surname of the manager, as well as the email address to which the reports will be sent.
  4. In the Allowed groups and Allowed sections drop-down lists, use the checkboxes to select the required access level for the manager.
  5. In the Email reports list, use the checkboxes to select the types of reports that the manager will receive.
  6. Click the “Submit” button.

Option 2

  1. In the main menu of Yaware.TimeTracker, select the “Employees -> Active employees” sub-item.
  2. On the right side of the screen, in the table, find the user you want to make a manager and click on the “Make Manager” icon (on the right side of the table, opposite the name).
  3. Follow steps 3-6 from the first option.

The manager will be sent a password to log into the account by email.

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